Wednesday, October 3, 2012

BODY BEAST - P90X2 HYBRID: DAY 10 - Beast "Build Shoulders & Abs" + Metabolic Finisher

My goal with this thirty day hybrid is to increase functional strength and cardio endurance so that I'm very prepared for Asylum Vol. 2.

Today I did Beast "Build Shoulders & Abs", plus I added in my own metabolic finisher for some extra conditioning at the end of my workout. It was awesome! This is how I keep my fitness fun and blow off some steam at the same time.

Metabolic Finisher

**Repeat this circuit 3 times, resting 45 seconds between rounds.**

1. Jump Rope (1 min.)
2. Burpees (20 reps)
3. Heavy Bag (1 min.)
4. Lunge Jumps (20 reps)
5. Spider man Push-Ups (20 reps)
6. Frog Jumps (20 reps)
7. Heavy Bag (1 min.)
8. Mountain Climbers (20 reps)

Here's the video:

For more info:

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