Thursday, February 9, 2012

Does Bigfoot Exist? P90X2 Shoulders and Arms

I wonder if Bigfoot truly exists?  If there is a Bigfoot species I highly doubt that any of them would be seen hanging out with Ronald McDonald like the one below.... SCARY isn't it!

 I also doubt that Mr. Bigfoot would touch fast food or consider it as a legitimate source of nutrition. Even Mr. Bigfoot (with his limited cognitive ability) would most likely run away from the poisonous substance without blinking an eye. On the other hand you have homo sapiens (Uh that's us - Yep, you and me - Latin for "wise man" - seriously) eat at these fine fast food establishments sometimes daily!  And we wonder why we feel like crap and cannot seem to get rid of that spare tire or cottage cheese thighs that have magically developed over the past couple of years.  Really?  Is it really a mystery to you? Cliche I know, but you are what you eat. If you are serious about changing how you FEEL and how you LOOK in the mirror then do something about it - TODAY. Stick to fresh, local whole foods, eat organic when you can, cut out the junk food and get some exercise. Always remember: A good exercise routine is only 50% of the equation. If your diet is crap, you'll only get 50% of the results that you are after.

I did P90X2 Shoulders & Arms today and felt as strong as I imagine a Bigfoot would be.  I also ate well and provided my body with the solid nutrition that it was screaming for. Take care of yourself friends. Treat your body and mind right with healthy food and exercise! Do this and watch your whole world change for the better.

Until next time, be good to yourself...

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