I believe that Plyocide (more than any other P90X2 DVD that I have tried to date) is a very unique workout. It is unique in the way that it can be excruciatingly difficult one day and then just moderately challenging the next. I guess that this can be true of any workout program that one undertakes. It really is dependent on the amount of energy and effort that you bring to your workout with each session, movement and rep. This is even more pronounced with a plyo routine because of the workout design which is non-stop jump training and lightning fast agility movements with practically no rest. At maximum effort it will quickly tire you out! Lactic acid accumulation and that awesome heart pounding-lung burning sensation are certain to greet you in short order when you give it 100%. This is where I was at today. I happened to feel great. My energy level was through the roof. I was not sore from my previous workout. I ate a high protein breakfast. It was a beautiful sunny day. I found myself exploding at maximum effort with every exercise. At the end, I was drenched in sweat. I felt exhilarated and completely rebooted! Last week... Ugh... Not the case. I was dragging going into the workout. I was sore. I was sleepy. I was only operating at 75%. As a result, Plyocide was only mediocre for me that day.
The point is this: Know where you stand on any given day. Respect and accept it. Give all that you have to give and be in the moment. Keep moving forward. Stay on track. Keep working towards your goal. Consistency and discipline will always pay off. Believe in yourself!
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