Monday, February 6, 2012

P90X2 Chest + Back + Balance & Benefits Of Coffee

On the docket today is P90X2 Chest + Back + Balance.  This is a tough workout. It is back to back push up and pull up variations. As if that weren't hard enough, it also requires balance, a strong core, and comfort with using multiple medicine balls and the stability ball simultaneously in some instances. This workout is a perfect example of why phase 1 of P90X2 is so important to complete with a solid level of proficiency prior to stepping up to phase 2. All I can say is MODIFY where you feel it is appropriate! The great thing about the new X2 program is that Tony and the gang diligently illustrate hardcore, muscle pumping modifications for each exercise on all of the DVD's. Don't worry, even if you modify, you will still get the full benefit of the workout. As a matter of fact, I'll go on record as stating that you will get a much better and healthier workout than if you struggle to do movements for which your body has not yet adapted. Remember: There is always room for growth and improvement in your fitness and health.  Lose the ego, get smart, modify where it is appropriate for you and get a better workout in.  This is what I do and my fitness level has increased exponentially as a result! What modifications have you found helpful to launch your fitness level to new heights of strength, balance and endurance? What modifications have you made in life that transcend ego and allow for a much deeper and genuine experience?

Now... on to coffee!  I have always enjoyed coffee as far back as I can remember.  I have also always said that coffee is not bad for you.  The bad part of coffee is all of the gunk most folks put in it (sugar, syrup, cream, etc.). Here is some of the latest research  in support of the benefits of drinking black coffee daily that I read in this month's issue of LifeExtension Magazine:

* Overall risk of developing diabetes is reduced by 47% with 4 cups per day.
* 6 cups of coffee per day yields an 18% lower risk of prostate cancer.
* 84% lower risk of developing cirrhosis with 4 cups a day.
* 5 cups of coffee daily was shown to begin to reverse symptoms of Alzheimer's damage.
* 5 or more cups of coffee daily decreased Parkinson's by 60%.
* Coffee boost regular weight loss and promotes body fat metabolism.
* The risk of depression is lowered by 20% with 4 cups of coffee daily compared to non-coffee drinkers.

WOW!!!  If you love black coffee as much as I do, drink up!  Enjoy your day!


  1. How bad is it for you if you add just a small amount of sugar and moderate cream to coffee? Are all of the benefits negated, or just some of the benefits?

  2. The benefits of the coffee are not negated. However, I would keep in mind the additional calories that you are adding with both the cream and sugar. This may not be an issue if you are pleased with your current weight. Just something to be aware of if you are trying to drop some pounds. Because, "drinking" your calories can quickly and quietly sabotage your best efforts at getting back in shape. A few cups of coffee with cream and sugar each day can easily add up to an additional 500 calories per day. 500 calories x 7 days/week = 3500 extra calories a week or 1 lb of fat. That 1 lb of fat per week can do serious damage over time.
